
Rusty’s tree party tall tales …

greg_rusty_janet.jpg Originally uploaded by Suffering the Benz. Rusty’s pirate stories get wilder and weirder as the night goes on at the annual Benz-Edge Tree Desecration party. Here he tells Greg and Janet about an incident in the South Seas involving Absinthe, 15 Peruvian midgets and several puffy shirts. Needless to say, a good time was […]


Originally uploaded by Suffering the Benz.

Rusty’s pirate stories get wilder and weirder as the night goes on at the annual Benz-Edge Tree Desecration party. Here he tells Greg and Janet about an incident in the South Seas involving Absinthe, 15 Peruvian midgets and several puffy shirts. Needless to say, a good time was had by all.